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2016 Year in Review: The Four Biggest Trends of the Year

2016 was a very interesting time in the world of IT. Ransomware and malicious attacks became prevalent, BYOD became more popular, Office 365 and SaaS applications proliferated the marketplace and cloud backup solutions became the preferred choice for many IT professionals. 2016 is over, but it completely changed the IT landscape in terms of the way business and operations are conducted, the way employees work; but also shows that the world of data backup and recovery are constantly changing.

We’ve Identified the Biggest Trends in 2016 to be:

  1. Cloud backup: This became more prevalent as organizations began to fully embrace the cloud not only for recovery, but also as a cost-efficient means for backing up data.
  2. The Proliferation of BYOD: According to a Gartner press release, BYOD, remote offices and the myriad of mobile products made it difficult for IT professionals to manage, maintain and thoroughly control networks.
  3. More Enterprises Moving to the Cloud: Data centre architectures, operating systems and applications have been upgraded to become more virtualized to better support the cloud. In 2016, we saw more companies willing to migrate to the cloud, which enabled IT professionals to meet their security, networking and container needs.
  4. Disaster Recovery Evolves to Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS): DRaaS became prevalent as enterprises needed to be assured that their important data could be recovered on-demand to not only minimize downtime but to also ensure their business operations ran efficiently.

What Do These Trends Mean for the Market in 2017?

Change is constant in the market which means your data protection strategy should also be evolving. In today’s economy, IT leaders often have budgetary restrictions which means companies need to do and accomplish more with less money, while maintaining the highest quality of service that their customer base expects.

Therefore, as IT leaders look to add more infrastructure to their portfolio, be sure to evaluate your current strategy to see if you should either look for fewer solutions with more capabilities or a single comprehensive solution that covers the full scope of data protection and recovery needs (including SaaS, DRaaS, VM’s and hardware protection).

Discover how Asigra’s comprehensive and agentless solution can cover all your needs.

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