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Ransomware Protection and Backup Security for Education

Schools, colleges, and universities manage huge volumes of data that impact the safety, wellbeing, and futures of students — not to mention complex financials and other sensitive data. Keeping this information safe is absolutely essential, and Asigra can help.


What Will You Do When You’re Locked Out of Your System?

When disaster strikes, every minute counts for your students and your institution. Unfortunately, recovering from a ransomware attack isn’t always as simple as restoring your latest backup. Your team is using a growing constellation of devices, networks, physical and virtual machines, and SaaS solutions with a range of data storage protocols. It may not be possible to stop malicious code from entering your environment, but with Asigra’s Tigris Secure Backup Platform you can hunt it and eliminate it — even advanced ransomware hiding dormant in your backups.

1 %

increase in financial losses from ransomware between 2020 and 2021

Source: FBI


days = average time between a cyber breach and detection

Source: IBM & Ponemon Institute


US schools affected by ransomware in 2021

Source: National Law Review

1 %

of these attacks on involve the theft of student or employee data

Source: National Law Review


When Student Data is at Stake, Manageability Matters

In complex campus IT environments, easy-to-manage backup security tools have a number of benefits. Tigris’ agentless functionality means you don’t have to install software on every source machine, decreasing your attack surface and helping endpoint devices run faster. A single, flexible management console gives you full visibility across different buildings, departments, and functions so you can manage it all in the way that's best for your organization.

Protect Your Sensitive Data with Asigra.

Protect student data with a reliable backup and recovery solution that protects information from theft or disaster. Contact Asigra today to arrange a demo with one of our experts.

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Secure Backup Solution Today.

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