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Ransomware Protection and Backup Security for the Legal Industry

Law firms and other businesses in the legal industry manage a great deal of highly sensitive client and case information, which is exactly why they’re such a popular target for cybercriminals. Keeping client data safe is absolutely essential, and Asigra can help.

You’re Locked Out Of Your System. What’s Your Next Step?

Today, law practices rely on a growing constellation of devices, networks, locations, physical and virtual machines, and SaaS solutions with a range of data storage protocols. You may not be able to stop malicious code from entering your environment, but you can hunt it and eliminate it — even advanced ransomware hiding dormant in your backups. With Asigra’s Tigris Secure Backup Platform, real-time malware prevention isolates malicious code and alerts administrators of infections.

$ 1 M

ransom requested of Grubman Shire Meiselas & Sacks in 2020

Source: The LA Times

1 %

increase in the number of ransomware victims between 2020 and 2021

Source: FBI


days = average time between a cyber breach and detection

Source: IBM & Ponemon Institute

$ 1 k

per hour = cost of downtime for 81% of enterprises surveyed

Source: ITIC


When Client Information Is at Stake, Manageability Matters. 

 Whether your IT environment is straightforward or highly complex, easy-to-manage backup security tools create a benevolent cycle. Not only do they take less time for your IT department to deploy and maintain, but incident recovery is simpler and more effective. Tigris’ “single pane of glass” management console gives you full visibility so you can handle it all in the way that's best for your business, while, agentless functionality decreases your attack surface and helps endpoint devices run faster.

Protect Your Sensitive Data with Asigra.

Protect sensitive client information from ransomware and other threats that can compromise privacy. Contact us to speak with an expert about protecting your information.

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Secure Backup Solution Today.

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